Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Winter Storms and an Overdose of Estrogen

Winter storms. Probably the worst thing ever invented in the history of inventions. I cannot stand the snow, which is hilarious and ironic considering I live in Michigan. Michigan's weather is a joke. One day, it's all sunny and warm and lovely. The next day it's snowing and it's ugly and gray and terrible. And then it rains. It's like...bi-polar weather.

Dad gave everybody the day off tomorrow considering it's hard to do pest control for bugs in the middle of a winter snow storm. I'm still going into work though. I have some things I need to get done, plus, I don't want to lose the hours. Losing hours = losing money. And I don't really like the idea of that. Especially considering I'm in the process of saving up to move out right now.

I'm going to my cousin's baby shower on Saturday. I hate baby showers. Too much estrogen. It'll be nice to see family though. Although, I'm not looking forward to driving an hour and a half by myself. I asked my cousin if she wanted to ride with me, but she hates being in a car with smoke. My mom asked me if I wanted to ride up with her in my Aunt Kim's car, but I hate being passenger. Plus, an hour and a half car ride with my mother, my aunt, my little sister and who knows who else? No thank you. Plus, they'll probably stay later than I want to.

That's about it for now. I was really bored and felt like typing. So this was nice :P

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