Thursday, February 28, 2013

Quick Words

So, basically  I've been looking at office furniture all day. And now I'm even more excited for this move than I was before. This is gonna be incredible :D I can't wait!

I don't recall if I talked about my new office yet. Like, the details of it. I know I mentioned it kind of. I mentioned that I got to pick out my own colors, but I didn't tell you what colors :D

So the room is 10X13. Not huge, but it's a decent amount of space. All around the room is this gorgeous wood trim. It's at the top, middle, and bottom of the wall. The wall above the middle trim will be a really light blue/green color. It's called spa. And the portion of the wall between the middle and the bottom will be this really nice light blue color called Capri. It's gonna look really nice. And we're putting in this squishy multi-colored blue carpet. It's gonna look really nice when it's all said and done. I'm super pumped about it. Especially since my dad will be back to being in his own office and not in the same shared space. So if we get into a fight, we each have our own separate offices to go fume too. haha.

Well that's all the time I have for now. I have to make out this bank deposit and then go and get lunch.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Stupid Life

I am in a terrible mood today. It's the worst mood ever. I'm just cranky and I have a lot on my mind.

The thing about bad moods is, they are no fun. Not just for the person in them, but for everyone around the person in the bad mood. It's just a bunch of negative energy that takes up all the space around people. So in an attempt to make myself feel a little better, like I at least TRIED to push away the negative energy, I will name all the good things in my life right now.


1. Bailey. Bailey is the cutest dog in the entire world. His face makes me smile, even when he does bad things and is in trouble. Bailey is a good thing in my life.

2. We are moving offices. Now, moving is never fun. BUT, in this case, it is. The reason why is because I will, for the first time in a long time, have my own office to myself again :D I miss that. I had my own office briefly way way back when I first started working there. Then I shared an office with the other office ladies, but my dad was in that office a lot, so it wasn't really my own. Our landlord at our current office raised our rent in a really shady way, so my Dad decided enough is enough. We found a cute building with a LOT of potential. Lexey's mom is doing the painting. And I even got to pick out the colors for my office :D I'll be sharing an office with Ann, but I don't mind because I love Ann. And right now, Ann is only working on Saturdays. But even if she does come back full time, I have no issues with sharing an office with her. I love Ann.

3. Ann. She is awesome. She is an amazing part of my life.

4. I'm alive. This is always a good thing. I decided to put this here, because I am thankful for life. Also, I ran out of good things to list. I literally cannot think of any more good things.

5. I lied. My bed. My bed is probably the best thing. We'll pretend I said my bed first as number one. I could spend eternity in this bed.

6. I had Chinese food for dinner and it was delicious.

So there you have it. Six really good things I have in my life right now. My dog. Moving offices. Ann. Life. My bed. And Chinese food. Sounds pretty solid.

Let's talk about all the bad things in my life. This should be fun. Bringing back the negative energy here :P


1. Moving offices. I know. I know. I said this was a good thing, and it is in it's own way. But overall, like I said, moving is no fun. It's going to be tedious and annoying and there's so much to do in preparation. I will not be content until I am settled. Moving is just stressful. And the last thing I need right now is more stress.

2. My dad. He's been such a jerk lately. I know he's stressed out at work and at the techs and there are some things going on with my brother right now that he's not too happy about, but unfortunately, he takes all of that out on me. And that's not okay. Because that's just added extra stress. That I really don't need. That being said, I can't wait to move out. And I've been trying really hard to save up all of my money because I have found some really cute opportunities.

3. My mom is dying. I hate saying it. I hate typing it. I hate even thinking it. But it's true. She was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis a little over a year ago, and has been undergoing chemo therapy and all sorts of other things that scare the shit out of me. My mom and I have never been super close, but we've gotten a lot closer these last few years and, well, she is my mom. I just hate seeing how much pain she is in. I also hate that just because she's in pain, that she treats my little sister like shit. She's ten. Sick or not, she still really needs her mom. That's about all I can say on the subject. It just makes me more sad when I think about it too deeply.

4. My brother. I love him to death, but he's really fucking up lately. He quit school and he's really into acid and shrooms and weed and who knows what else. And it pisses me off because he acts like it's completely normal to be fucked up all the time. Which, I guess it is for some people, but I have another word for people like that; losers. And I hate to say it, but my brother has turned into a real loser. He hasn't seen my mom or my sister in months. He's never home. He's always with his girlfriend and his friends getting high. He works and stuff, but he's pretty much given up on his entire future. He'll tell you he isn't or hasn't, but this road isn't a great one. It's not one that you "do well" on.

5. So lonely. I literally talk to nobody. All of my friends are super busy with shit and I'm pretty busy too, but I mainly don't want to spend money. And it turns out that whenever it comes to my friends and being social, I go through money like it's nothing. So this is part my fault and part theirs. Also, they all have kids. And kids are great and everything, but I can sit at home and do nothing. I'd rather do that than go to your house and do it while also having a child screaming for your attention every half second. It gets too much. AND JAMIE, IF YOU'RE READING THIS, THIS DOESN'T INCLUDE YOU. Nathen is not a baby or a toddler. He's a child and he was very good at self entertainment most of the time. I loved sitting at your house and doing nothing. It's probably my favorite house to do that at :)

6. I'm just really sick of my routine. I want something new in my life. I don't know what it is, but I know I'm missing something. I feel it.

I guess the only thing I can do right now is just focus on what I have in mind for myself. And just take everything else in stride. Sometimes that's just life, and sometimes life isn't so great. But I'm alive I guess that's more than some people can say?

That sounds so stupid.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Winter Storms and an Overdose of Estrogen

Winter storms. Probably the worst thing ever invented in the history of inventions. I cannot stand the snow, which is hilarious and ironic considering I live in Michigan. Michigan's weather is a joke. One day, it's all sunny and warm and lovely. The next day it's snowing and it's ugly and gray and terrible. And then it rains. It's weather.

Dad gave everybody the day off tomorrow considering it's hard to do pest control for bugs in the middle of a winter snow storm. I'm still going into work though. I have some things I need to get done, plus, I don't want to lose the hours. Losing hours = losing money. And I don't really like the idea of that. Especially considering I'm in the process of saving up to move out right now.

I'm going to my cousin's baby shower on Saturday. I hate baby showers. Too much estrogen. It'll be nice to see family though. Although, I'm not looking forward to driving an hour and a half by myself. I asked my cousin if she wanted to ride with me, but she hates being in a car with smoke. My mom asked me if I wanted to ride up with her in my Aunt Kim's car, but I hate being passenger. Plus, an hour and a half car ride with my mother, my aunt, my little sister and who knows who else? No thank you. Plus, they'll probably stay later than I want to.

That's about it for now. I was really bored and felt like typing. So this was nice :P


Just stopping in really quick to say...Facebook is really annoying. One hundred percent the most annoying website in my life right now. All anyone does on there is complain or talk shit. I can honestly say, half the people I love and adore, annoy the shit out of me whenever I read anything they post.

That's all I wanted to say. I'm super tired and bed sounds like heaven on earth.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Update of Life

I haven't typed in my blog since August. That's a lot time. I don't think I meant for so much time to pass, but I guess I really didn't have too much to say.

I miss writing. I miss it a lot. I miss it so much that I started writing a book. It's about 30 pages long and I'm officially stuck in the plot. My characters have reached their destination, and now I'm not really sure where to have them go. And I can't end it. It would be a very short book if I ended it now. Oh well. I don't even think I like it that much. I think I just wanted to type about something. Something more interesting than my life :P

I'm moving soon. I'm so excited for that. My own house. House. Me. My own. I'm going to have a roommate though. Only because I think a three bedroom house will get lonely. So my brother's girlfriend will be moving in with me. Her name is Lexey and she's amazing. She has a silly and very chill personality. We never fight, and I doubt we ever will. I know a lot of people say that and then end up fighting, but she's basically been living at my dad's house with me and Kenny for the last 3 months, and if her coming into my room randomly at certain points and falling asleep in my bed next to me hasn't annoyed me, I doubt sharing a 3 bedroom house with her will.

The houses that I'm looking at are adorable. They're mobile homes, but they're really nice ones and they're so cheap! Only 700 dollars a month. I just got a raise at work and I've been saving up, so I should have about 3-4 grand by June/July, and that's more than enough for the security deposit and the pet fees. Plus, I want a new bed and we're going to have to get some furniture, but I've found so much amazing furniture already.

I'm just so excited to have my own place. My dad has really been getting on my nerves lately. He's been really mean and sassy and I just want out. I want to be able to come home to MY house and relax in front of MY tv or take a bath in MY bath tub.

It's the perfect set up too. There are 3 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. The master bedroom and the master bathroom are on one side of the house. The master bedroom is huge with a huge walk in closet and the master bathroom is attached and has a huge Jacuzzi tub and a standing shower and everything. Then Lexey will have whatever bedroom is the largest out of the remaining 2 and she gets the other bathroom to herself. And then the third bedroom will be a guest bedroom for whenever someone wants to spend the night. In my mind, it's mainly for Brooke. I want to decorate it really cute. I want to decorate my whole house cute. I want to make everyone who comes in feel comfortable and warm.

Lexey is an artist. A really good artist. And I told her that if she makes them look professional and she lets me put them in nice frames, then she can hang her art in our house. She's really excited about that. We both agreed that we like square plates and bowls. So we'll be on the hunt for those soon.

Well, I suppose that's all I have to say for now. I'm sure I'll have more later. Until next time!