Monday, April 30, 2012

Man's Best Friend

I have to say, being a new dog owner is absolutely exhausting. I love my little guy to death, but he just has so many things about him that I need to remember.

1. If he can reach it, and it's small enough, he WILL eat it.
2. Get him fixed. ASAP. I'm going to lose all of my friends because I have a humper.
3. I'm glad he's potty trained. Big time. But I'm not so thrilled at him barking at me to take him outside at 8:00 am on a Sunday. My only day off, and my sleep day.
4. He's a baby. He acts like a baby. He thinks like a baby. He's a baby.
5. My cat hates me.
6. He doesn't like the $50.00 bed I bought him. He much prefers my bed.
7. Good luck getting his harness on.
8. Have fun running after him because he slipped out of his collar. (Refer back to 7.)
9. Oh what's that Bailey? That tree is yours? And that tree? And my Aunt Wendy?
10. Oh hey! You want your dog fixed? That'll be $150.00 please. Also an extra hundred because he needs his shots.
11. They make you clean up your dogs piss in petsmart. All 6 spots of it.
12. They also make you clean up the poop in the middle of isle 3.

So besides the few small setbacks of having a dog, I love my Bailey. He's adorable. He's charming. He's very sweet and loves to cuddle. He's also soft and doesn't shed at all, which I really love. He's just very expensive. And kind of hyper.

I'm getting his balls cut off this week. He needs to relax a bit.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bailey (:

This is Bailey. Bailey is mine. The end.

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Friday, April 27, 2012

Dear American Government,

I make more money. So you take more money. Awesome. I'm really glad I'm working my ass off for fucking pennies.

Eat shit and die. Assholes.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Writers Block

I really want to write, but I am currently out of creative writing topics.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Healthy Me

For the past 5 months, I've been bettering myself. In many ways. I keep my room clean. I keep the catbox clean. I keep my car clean. I sleep better. I perform better at work. I'm better at saving money. I feel 10 years younger than I did 5 months ago.

All of this started when I decided to lose weight. Now, I'm tall. I'm about 5'10. So when I hopped on the scale and found out that I was 300 pounds, I guess you could say I was a bit shocked. It was no secret that I'm a big girl, but I looked nowhere near 300 pounds. My first reaction was to start crying. I was devastated. Disgusted. Totally nauseous. Then I decided that enough was enough. I was tired of living my unhealthy lifestyle.

I've always been a happy and confident person. My weight never really stopped me from loving myself or just being me. It stopped from doing certain things, like rides at carnivals and sitting on certain furniture, but it never deterred me from friends or family or going out. Because, like I said, I didn't look or feel 300 pounds.

But at that moment, on the scale, I felt 300 pounds. I felt completely and 100% out of my body. I couldn't believe I had let myself get so lost.

Right away, I quit drinking soda. Soda was a big thing for me. I was drinking close to 40 ounces of soda a day. I joined a site called My brother's girlfriend, at the time, told me that her mom was doing it. She told me that it was free and it works.

The program basically helps you track your food. There are recipes you can try at home. You earn points for doing certain things like writing blogs and sticking to your daily goals. They have work out videos and a book and all kinds of things to help you. And it works.

I'm not on the program anymore, only because I don't need to be. I already had the motivation, but the website gave me information and inspiration. I still visit the site here and there for a new recipe or a new exercise. And to keep up with the friends I have made. Everyone is so nice and supportive and they make you feel like you're a superstar, even if you've only lost 2 pounds.

My first 3 pounds was my biggest success. Because that was the start of a beautiful journey. In the first week and a half, I already lost almost 15 pounds from the huge changes in my diet and cutting out the soda. I shrunk my stomach, and even to this day my portions have been cut in half, if not more.

The average person should consume 2,000 calories a day. I was consuming about 4,000. And it wasn't that I ate all the time or anything. I wasn't constantly stuffing my face. But I ate large portions of food that were very high in calories. It was a nightmare. And add the soda on top, and that turned my freaky nightmare into Hell.

When I started the program, they have you shrink your stomach. So I went from eating 4,000 calories a day to 1,200 calories a day. After you complete certain stages, your calories change. If you lose weight, once you enter it, your calories change some more. I'm up to 2,000 now, but since I've shrunk my stomach, I don't usually reach that.

For exercise, I walk. A lot. My first night of walking, it was freezing out. And raining. I walked about 200 feet and lost my breath completely. Smoking, on top of my terrible diet, surely didn't help. I almost turned around and went home, but something told me to keep going. Keep walking. Turn your music up, breathe deep, and don't stop. I stopped at least 4 times to sit down on the curb. Catch my breath. But only for a couple minutes. Then I got up and kept going.

I probably only walked about a half mile that night, and by the time I got back home I was drenched in sweat and rain and all of my muscles ached. But by the end of the first week I was walking a mile without stopping. And eventually it took me at least that mile before I was breathing hard.

My biggest support in all of this is my little sister. Brooke is 9, and has the biggest heart I've ever see in any 9 year old in all of my 22.5 years on this earth. She's kind, sweet, and funny. Most children at 9 years old make fun of fat people, but not my Brooke. I guess a big part of me is doing this for her, too. She looks up to me. And I want to be healthy. I've always been a great sister to her, but how can she look up to someone fully if that person doesn't take care of their body? She walked with me a lot the first week. Being supportive. Telling me to keep going. That she was proud of me. I want her to always be proud of me.

I'm writing this post to remind myself of my goal. Because for the last couple months, I've been slipping a lot. I'll drink some soda here and there. I've been over my calories a few times. I haven't really been walking. I'm still losing weight, but the winter just slowed me down. Took away some of my motivation. I just want to remind myself that I'm already 1/3 of the way to my goal weight. And if I can get this far, I can keep going.

I also wanted to write this to remind anyone out there reading this that you CAN do it. You don't have to be skinny. Or perfect. Or a size 0. I'll never be a size zero. I'm too tall to be a size zero. Anything under a size 14 or 12 would probably make me look absolutely disgusting. But we can all be healthy. We can all set goals for ourselves and achieve them one step at a time.

A few tips :

1. You have to really WANT it. If you don't want to change, you're not going to.

2. Walk walk walk walk walk. Walking is the best form of exercise, despite what a lot of people tell you. Working out at a gym is good too, but a lot of the equipment there is for building and toning muscle. You'll burn fat too, but if you want to really see results, walk the pounds off.

3. If you're a smoker, DO NOT quit smoking while you're trying to lose weight. Taking away so much of your body can throw it into shock. Baby steps. Remember, the weight didn't put on overnight, and it's not going to go away overnight.

4. Eat smart. Snack between meals. Fruits and veggies and low calorie crackers make GREAT snacks. Stop eating junk food and drinking soda. Those are all just empty calories and they do nothing for you.

5. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It jump starts your metabolism. It's very important. I know a lot of people aren't hungry in the morning or don't like breakfast, but just eat something. Anything. A banana. Some oatmeal. A little bit of cereal. A bagel. Anything. Lunch should be your biggest meal of the day. Don't take this literally and go overboard.

6. Don't stop eating altogether. I'm sure most people know the dangers of eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. Do not do that to your body. I know a girl who pretty much just stopped eating. She lost a good 100 pounds and she looks great. With clothes on. Her stomach is all flabby and it's not toned. Even her face is sort of hollow and her skin is terrible. Her hair is wispy and thin. It looks like straw. And that's because she deprived her body of the nutrients it needs. If you're going to do it, do it the right way. It takes more time, but good things come with patience.

7. Stretch marks. I know they aren't pretty. And they don't go away. There are certain creams and concealers you can buy to reduce them, but how about looking at them from a different perspective? Here's my take on them. I was 300 pounds. By the time I reach my goal weight and am comfortable enough to wear a bikini, or show certain parts of my body that I would have never showed before, most people would think I'd be ashamed of the stretch marks. But I won't be. My stretch marks symbolize that I was once very heavy. And I took it upon myself to change. And I took the weight off. And yes, stretch marks aren't pretty. But they're my battle scars. They prove to myself that I made it. I set a goal for myself, worked my ass off, and I made it. I will be proud of them.

8. Treat yourself. Once in awhile, it's nice to have something sweet. Or something not great for you. We're human, after all. That's the problem with diets. I hate the word diets. Look at all of your friends who have tried "diets". And how long did they last? Exactly. Because a diet is a quick and easy fix.  You hate your image, so you stop eating things that you like. And you hate every second of it. Next thing you know, you're sitting there chomping on celery while your friends are all eating big gooey cheeseburgers and then you're just like "fuck this." That's no way to go about it. If you want a cheeseburger once in awhile, have a cheeseburger. Just count your calories. Take the top part of the bun off. Or cut down on some of the cheese. Or find something equally as tasty, but not so bad for you. And if you go over your calories one day, or "fall off the wagon", then just start again the next day. Keep in mind that you were eating terribly before you started the change, so why beat up on yourself over a couple slip ups when you're actually doing something about it? Don't beat yourself up. Just keep going.

9. Don't do this for the wrong reasons. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to be thinner, but that's not the only reason I'm doing this. I'm doing this because I'm tired of being unhealthy. I'm tired of being scared to go on carnival rides, or sit on a plastic outdoor chair at a bonfire. I don't want to end up with diabetes at age 25. I don't like not being able to walk for long distances, or how terrible my sleeping is. I want to be a healthier me.

10. Remember, this is a lifestyle change. Erase the word "diet" from you vocabulary.

If I can do this, anyone can. I know that's cliche to say, but it's the honest truth. Before my wake up call on that scale, my life was disgusting. I'm not so much a different person now, but I see things differently. My room was filthy. I had clothes and garbage everywhere. My bed was never made, and you couldn't see my floor. I had fruit flies from cups of leftover soda and moldy food. My car was a mess. I had to move pounds of papers and empty food bags and cups for anyone to fit in the backseat. At work, I wasn't keeping up. I wasn't motivated to do my job. I ate terrible, so I slept even more terrible. So I was tired all day and then I would go home and take naps that resulted in me waking up around 10 pm and staying up all night. It was an endless vicious cycle of unhealthiness. I never had any money because I would spend it all on food. I didn't realize what a disaster I really was, but looking back, I know I never want to be that person again.

I'm nowhere near my goal weight, but I've made a good dent. And I will keep going. And I won't stop until I've reached my destination.

So set a goal. Love yourself. Work on you. It will take time and patience, but it's not impossible. And if you really want it, nothing is stopping you.

I'd like to thank Jamie Green. She's a great friend of mine, and it was her idea for me to make this post.

BEFORE : 300 Pounds                              AFTER : 256.3 Pounds

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


You don't want to read this. It's nothing exciting. This is just my list of things I need to bring. It's more for me so I can have a checklist when the day comes. Also, I can add to it and subtract from it any time I feel needed.

1. Blanket, pillow, and sheet.
2. Tent.
3. Lantern.
4. Cooler.
5. Air mattress.
6. Tubes and rafts.
7. Clothes / Swim suit / Towel
8. Hair dryer.
9. Hair straightener.
10. Purse.
11. Fan.
12. Multiple electrical outlet thingy.
13. Lounge chair
14. Phone charger

Okay. Just looking at this list, and knowing that these are just MY things, I'm starting to think my dad was right about Kenny driving himself up. Despite the road trip will be less exciting, we don't have the room. And I don't have the motivation to make the room.

Must discuss this with Kenny ASAP.

Redbull Gives You Wings

I am 67 days away from the best 9 days of my life.

On Friday June 29,2012, I will wake up. My outfit will be ready for me after my shower. Because it will be ready and waiting the night before. I will wake up with a smile on my face, shower, and get dressed. I will drive to work in my packed car, and I probably will get little to no work done due to the excitement that is bound to have been building since the Monday before. Actually, it's starting now. So by then the excitement will probably spilling over the brim of my mind and it will more than likely explode. I'll let you know how that goes when we get to that point.

After work, I'll probably pee myself if my brain hasn't already combusted into a thousand pieces. I will be picking up my precious cargo, which happens to be my brother Kenny, our friend Mike, and our friend Alex. We will then pack everything else to our utmost abilities and then jump in the car and head out.

Where are we going, you say? Why we are going to the most relaxing destination of all of the world. Fife Lake, Michigan.

Okay, it's probably not the most relaxing place in the world, but it's pretty damn close. Because as soon as we arrive, set up our tents, and settle in, the fun begins. It will be 8 days and 9 nights/8 days of nonstop sleeping, drinking, laughing, swimming, lounging, eating, and fiesta. Also a lot of driving because this will be the first year up north that I will have my own car, so that means I can go wherever I please. Also, I'm pretty sure my mother won't be there this year due to having an asshole boyfriend that nobody wants around, so that's a little bit off my plate too. Not that her authority, or lack of, would deter me, but she can just be a bit overbearing and I wish to not have to deal with that.

So. Problem solved. Thanks Chuck! For being the best douche bag you can be and making my family hate you and not welcome you to our festivities and lodging!

I have so much to do to prep for this. There are a few minor set backs.


1. I have to work on Friday so it will be dark by the time we arrive and setting up tents are never fun to set  up in the dark. SOLUTION : Leave work around 2. Be on the road by 3. Arrive probably just before 8. Although, traffic will be horrendous, so there is probably no solution to this one really, so lanterns shall be the definite solution! :)

2. Not only will it be dark, but we will be tired. SOLUTION : Red bull. Gives you wings.

3. My car doesn't really have lot of room for 2 tents, lanterns, chairs, 4 air mattresses, cooler, luggage for four, blankets, pillows, and 4 people. SOLUTION : Cram cram cram. We'll have to make it work. I already considered a small uhaul, but that requires a lot of time and money and patience. I have the money, and I suppose I have the time, but I'm just not patient enough. And just because I have the money, doesn't mean I want to waste it on something I'll probably only use once. I also considered a roof rack, but my car doesn't seem to want to support that either. So here we are at cram!

4. One bathroom. There is only one bathroom at our cottage. And I know there will be at least 13 people staying there for sure. SOLUTION : Shit out of luck. Rough it. Pee in the lake. Poop in the woods. Bathe where you pee. I don't even know. I'll figure it out. I'm pretty sure my Aunt Kim is getting a hotel room this year due to a lot of people, and she isn't really getting along great with my Uncle Jamie, so I guess we could shower a couple times at her place. And there is always my Aunt Yvonna. She lives up there in town. We'll really get by. It's fuckin' Fife Lake.


I'm pretty sure those are all the problems. That I can think of at this current time. My dad suggested that me and Kenny each separately drive, but then the fun of the road trip is dwindled down to just me and Alex. Which actually might not be SO bad, but still. I guess that is something to consider.

But all of that bullshit aside, there are still SO many things to look forward too. And not that I really made the long story short, but I can't freaking wait.

I wanna go now! :D

Monday, April 23, 2012

George W. Bush and Christianity

This post will probably end up being very mean, but I must say that I'm prepared for that. Because I am utterly annoyed right now and I can't tell you how badly I just need to get this out. Like, right now.

This post will be about my cousin Alex, the most annoying person (probably) on the face of this Earth.

Let me tell you a bit about Alex before I go tearing him to shreds. Alex is as ignorant as they come. He is 27 years old (I think. Either 26 or 27.) and he has NO idea what he's doing with his life. He's married to a woman named Katie, if you even can call her a woman. I just call her pants. She is what she wears. And my father and I are more than convinced that Alex's balls are a permanent accessory deep inside the hidden cracks of her purse.

Alex, a lot like myself and my father, is very stubborn. And this can be a very good thing and a very bad thing. In Alex's case, it's all very bad. Because when you mix ignorant with stubborn, you just get one huge blob of frustration and awe. Not the good kind of awe, either. The very bad kind.

Alex is a firm "republican." I put republican in the fancy quotation marks because Alex doesn't actually follow campaigns or speeches. He doesn't read or watch or even know the first thing about politics. Because if Alex actually knew anything about politics or the politicians, he wouldn't be a republican. Alex votes republican because Alex votes for whoever claims superior "Christianity."

Oh what's that, Sarah Palin? You believe in God? YOU'RE HIRED.

And just for the record, yes, Alex did confess that if Sarah Palin indeed ran for president, he would vote for her. Because she believes in God.

Alex is a bible hugging idiot. And so is his wife.

Alex also says that he's voting for Rick Santorum. Yes, THE Rick Santorum. The Rick Santorum that claims that gay internet porn is the reason for gay people. And that if we ban gay porn, and all porn together, within a few months there would be no gay people.
Yeah. That Rick Santorum.

I think I'm just frustrated today with stupid people.
And Alex just so happened to cross my path. Good thing he'll never see this.

Although, it probably would have been smarter to write this when he wasn't sitting three feet behind me waiting for a ride home.

Oh well.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Shreddin' Paper All Day Err' Day

Funny story. Sort of cute in a really awkward kind of way. I was at the bank today making a company deposit.

After waiting very impatiently in line, behind two people who should have been talking to a manager instead of the ONLY teller working the counter, I start walking out. As I'm walking towards the doors, there is a cute little old woman sitting in the lounge area talking on her cell phone. And this is the conversation I hear :

Woman on cell phone : Oh okay. So you've just been shredding paper all day then?
-Person on other end responds-
Woman on cell phone : Well, doesn't that just sound like fun! I used to shred paper all day every day. Time of my life, I'll tell ya.
-Person on other end responds-
Woman on cell phone : Excuse me?! Bite your tongue! I'll have you know it was a crazy time back then. You might not think so, but we were real wild

It wasn't very funny really. And it wasn't anything crazy interesting. But I think that's where I found it humorous. The fact that it was actually a boring excuse for a conversation, but just her mannerisms and tones and her facial expressions made it priceless.

Too bad I didn't record it on video.

Bieber Fever

I can't even lie. I think Justin Bieber is adorable. I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan, because I'm not, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy at least a few of his songs.

His newest track release "Boyfriend" is such a cute song. The lyrics are...somewhat lacking, but overall a good beat and his voice is like a million angels having sex on a chocolate cake.

He went from this :

To This :

And anyone would be lying if they didn't admit that he's a sexy little man-child.

Just saying.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Heart Speak

Baby Brother,

You will always, to me, be just that. You'll be 18 in a month and a half, but you will forever be that small snot nosed child who used to copy everything I did. Obviously, when I was younger, it would annoy me. But now that I am older and have a few years worth of life experience under my belt, I know that I still wish you did copy me. Most of the time.

I'm mad at you. I'm upset with the fact that you think you have it all figured out. It hurts to know you're out there in the world making your own choices, some of which are not very smart.

I know I have no room to talk. Because I know that, at your age, I was just as naive. Selfish. A know-it-all. I thought I knew everything and that I was surrounded by a bunch of idiots.

Now, I know that I don't know everything. I'm still surrounded by a bunch of idiots, so I'm glad to have found that I'm not that ignorant, but I'm more humbled now that I see how big this world is. And now I know that every action has a reaction, good or bad. And that when you do something wrong, there are consequences that we have to deal with.

You haven't really had to deal with many consequences. You don't have many responsibilities. Dad is a lot easier on you than he was on me. That used to make me jealous, but I know that I'm better off as a person than I would have been if I had it as easy as you. And that, dear child, is why I'm so upset.

You have yet to figure out that everything you do, despite what you think, affects the people around you. Especially the people who love you the most.

And I know that I get on your nerves. And I know that sometimes I sound like a preachy bitch, but it's only because I care about you. I love you. I would literally take a bullet for you. I would do anything for you.

I'm proud of you. I'm glad you brought your grades up. I know you must have worked very hard to do so, especially your English class. That's a small step towards a cleaner path, but you still have a lot of soul searching to do.

Being 17 is hard. You're at an awkward age where you're not really quite sure on where to go or what to do. Even when you start to get a fraction of an idea, you realize you have no idea on where to start. You have deadlines and stress and worries. I hate to tell you this, but it only gets worse. Those things will always be there for you to dread. But if you find yourself, and you know who you are and where you need to be and what you need to be doing there, then the rest kind of just seems more like routine than extra baggage.

I want you to have the world. I want you to be your own person and explore different areas of life. I just don't want you to get hurt. I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Ever.

If I could wrap you up in a bubble and spoon feed you, I might quit my job and do it. Not literally, but you know what I mean.

The last thing I'd ever want for us is to be like Dad and Aunt Theresa. I don't want to not have you in my life. I don't want to not have any contact with you. You're one of my best friends, and you're a big part of me. If I ever lost you, in any way, I'd lose a big part of myself. I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

You teach me. So many things. All the time. You shape me in the biggest more irreversible way. You have no idea what kind of impact you've made on me. You're brilliant. You're outgoing. You're hilarious. You're different. You see the world in ways that no one else can. You have so much potential to be whatever you want to be. And as cliche as that sounds, which you know I hate, I firmly mean it with all of my heart.

I can't tell you how...surreal it's been watching you grow up. You and Brooke. It blows my mind to see these two beautiful people. No longer little babies. No longer needing to be fed and changed and held. It kills me to know that those days are gone and you're now you're own person. And you don't need me anymore. I still have a couple years left with Brooke, maybe, but you. Not you.

You'll be going off to college soon. And I will miss you more than ever. I just hope you know how much I really do love you. How much you really and truly mean to me.

I wish I could bottle up the memories. And whenever I wanted a small taste of them, I'd just open the bottle and let the memories spill out around me. I'd do anything to go back, with the knowledge I have now. Because I wouldn't mind that you followed me everywhere. I wouldn't mind that you always wanted me to read with you. And play with your toys with you. And pull you around in the wagon.

I was 9. You were 4. You kept tugging at my shirt asking me if you could play with me and Brittany. I kept telling you no and you got mad. I called you annoying and you started crying. And you told on me. And mom told you, "Leave the girls alone. They want to play by themselves." And you said, "But she my sissy mommy. MY sissy. Not Brittany's sissy."
I'd go back to that day and I wouldn't have pushed you. I wouldn't have told you no.

I love you more than anything.
I hope you always know that, and never forget it.

I Need More Cowbell

I can't listen to Don't Fear the Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult without cracking up the second I hear the cowbell.

Female Fe-Lions

This is the face I wake up to each and every morning.
This is Gizmo. She's a sassy she-beast. She's a maine coon/lioness. And also my best friend.

I know what you're thinking. Wow, this girl is an idiot. Her best friend is a fucking cat.
Well hey. Guess what you? CATS ARE SUPERB BEST FRIENDS.

So anyway, this is what I wake up to every morning. Her cute little fuzzy face all up in my business. And I love it. After my shower every morning, we'll spend a few minutes (okay, like 20) just playing and cuddling because that's just what we do. She is very playful. She follows me around the house. She waits outside of the bathroom door for me to finish showering. She's just mine.

Except when she's in heat.
When she's in heat, she wants literally nothing to do with me.
It's a disaster, on account of I love her so much.

So she just got out of heat. And this morning it was back to the usual :D It makes all of my days so much happier.

I need to get her fixed, but then she'll just get fat and she won't be as fun anymore.
So I'll just have to deal with the fact that once every few months she turns into a raging horny psycho bitch.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

P.S. New Hair

OH. And I just got my hair done today (:
Highlights biatchhh (:

The girl that did my hair is fabulous.
Much like the lovely tip I gave her when she finished making me look like a diva <3

Alcoholic Beverages and Calorie Intake

Outback Steakhouse is sort of a weakness of mine. And Brittany's. Brittany is my crazy friend. Together, we have issues.
Yeah. That's us. Like I said, issues.

So anyway, we like Outback Steakhouse. A lot. And I find this restaurant to be a problem considering I go over my daily calorie intake just by pulling into the parking lot.

It's a curse. Really.

But I can't not go there with her. It's what we do.

On the bright side, we didn't spend as much money there tonight as we normally do. We skipped the alcoholic beverages :P

I'll get back on the wagon tomorrow (:

Page Views

I have 40 of them.
Which, obviously, made me extremely excited.
Until I realized that it counts as one page view every time you look at your own page.

So the 40 times I've looked at my page to make sure it looks good and everything is how I want it to be, is really just that.

I am my number one fan.

Cold Hot Cocoa

Probably the worst tasting thing ever.
Until you change your perspective and realize that cold hot cocoa tastes like warm chocolate milk.

Then it all gets a bit more sweet.

Teenaged Boys

My brother is one of them.

I always felt so proud to have my younger brother because he was never like other boys. He skipped immaturity. He skipped the horn dog "fuck every girl I see" stage. He likes to learn. He's very smart. He's funny and cool to hang out with.

I'm not so sure anymore though. Because lately, he's done a lot of things that make me question who he is entirely. And it hurts me, because I feel like an asshole for thinking that he was different than other guys his age.

He's not.

He's just as selfish. He's just as conniving. He's just as ignorant and low.

He used to like things like reading and hanging out with friends and being a teenager.
But now he likes things like smoking weed and taking LSD and stealing money from our dad and lying to everyone about everything.

He used to like being around his family and spending time with us, but now he really only cares about his equally selfish and stupid friends.
He used to get good grades, and now it looks like he hardly even cares.

Most people would call that "senioritis", but I call it "drugs sort of change who you are most of the time."

I miss the little brother I knew before. I miss the little brother that liked to do things with me. And talk with me.

We still do those things, but now it has a sort of bitterness to it all. For instance, now I've come to realize that I don't trust him at all. I don't trust one syllable that comes out of his mouth.

I know we all make mistakes, and I'm not saying that I expected him to be perfect. I just never expected him to be a follower. I never expected him to like drugs. I never expected him to steal from the very person who has taught and given us everything.

My dad has bent over backwards to ensure that me and Kenny have had an amazing life. Everything my dad ever does is for our benefit. He works hard. He makes sure we always have what we need and more. He taught us what's important in life. He taught us manners and values. He taught us everything we need to know to survive in this world.

And my brother just pisses on it all. Like it should just be a given that he gets all of these things.

It's all just so exhausting. It's like we're not even related.


I have a tumblr. And I love my tumblr. I'm just really sick of my tumblr.

I'm sick of my tumblr because somewhere along the way, I stopped blogging, and just started to re-blog. I would post funny pictures and witty sayings. I would scroll for hours and just entertain myself with silly things that people post. And sure, that's what blogging is to some people, but that's not what I ever wanted it to be for me.

I'm sure no one will really ever read this. And I'm more than positive that even if someone did, it's more than likely not very significant to them.

But it's significant to me.

My friend Jamie has a blogspot, and I recently started reading hers. I love it (: But I needed to start one for me. And get back to my writing. Significant or not, it's good for me.

So as much as I love tumblr, I lost the reason why I started blogging in the first place.

So this is basically my "back on track" move.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Just Mandy

Here's the deal. I like to talk. I like to type. I like to write. I like to be random and silly. I also like to state my opinions on most things.
That's why I'm here. For those specific reasons. I get to type and talk and write and be random and silly and spread my bitchy opinions all over the internet.
Hell, it's what most people come here for, so I'm quite positive that this does not come as a shock to you.

You're going to do one of two things :

1. You are going to absolutely fucking love me.
2. You are going to absolutely fucking hate my guts.

It's really that simple. With me, there are no in betweens.
There are no grey areas. There are no "but, what ifs" with this girl.
I'm an acquired taste, and have gotten through 22.5 years of life being more than happy with that.

So I'm glad we got that straightened out.