Kenny can be mad at me all he wants. I know that brothers and sisters are supposed to "have one another s back" and all that good shit, and I'm down for that when it comes to certain things, but I'm not okay with him fucking around with a 14 year old. Especially since he just turned 18 two weeks ago. And especially not behind my dad's back in my father's house.
We have rules, as children. We have always had rules. And of course now that he's 18 he doesn't have a curfew or anything. But 18 is not an official ticket to just do whatever the fuck you want.
I like Cammie. She's a nice girl. I mean, I only met her once, but she was very sweet and respectful. However, messing around with an 18 year old guy you're not even dating is kind of...gross. I look at that as a person who has no respect for herself. Especially when you're like 14 or 15 and his parent(s) is/are not home.
As we get older, I'm starting to realize that my brother and I are two completely different people. I mean, obviously, since we are literally two different people, but it's almost like he's retained nothing. I made a lot of mistakes when I was younger. Between the ages of 13 and 17, I was a complete mess. I broke all the rules and did the bad things and got in trouble. And he was innocent little Kenny. And now the roles are completely reversed. Around 18 and 19, and especially after that, I grew up. I truly let right and wrong sink in and I try to deal with all life's situations maturely and open minded. I try to do the right thing and be respectful.
The only people who come into my house when my dad's not home are my friends. And I hardly ever have guys in the house when my dad isn't home. And even if I do have a guy in my house when my dad isn't home, he's not uderage and we aren't playing doctor with my bedroom door closed.
Kenny is really mad at me. And I feel bad for "tattling", but I really am just looking out for him. Sure, I could have talked to him myself, but will that really do any good? No. No 18 year old boy high and mighty on a newly found power trip wants to listen to the preaching words of his 22 year old sister. But I know for a fact that Cammie's parents don't like her hanging out with Kenny because of his age. And I know for a fact that if her parents ever found out that their just barely pubescent daughter was shacked up with her shorts at her ankles in my brother's non parental supervised house that they would more than likely press charges. And by pressing charges, that would make my only think with one head brother a sex offender. Which can pretty much ruin your entire life as you know it.
I mean, I don't even want to think about what would happen if he got her pregnant. Or pissed her off. Which, for those of you who don't know too many girls at that age, it's not too hard to piss them off.
I just wish he would think. He doesn't have any common sense, and if he does, he doesn't listen to it. At all. Which is a huge difference between us because I think about everything before I do it. Not just ponder it or swish it around inside my brain for a few minutes, I mean, I REALLY think about it.
For instance, I could have just called my dad on the spot yesterday when I walked in and saw Cammie's shoes at the front door. Or when my brother came out of his closed room just wearing basketball shorts. Or during any point in the brief conversation, especially when the words "I'm 18. What's dad going to say?" came out of my ever knowing little brother's mouth.
I asked him if they were having sex and he said, "No. I'm wearing shorts?" And I said, "Is Cammie wearing shorts?" And he said no.
But no. I didn't call my dad. I didn't tell on him right away. I thought it over. And I slept on it. And I thought everything through. The pros and cons of tattling.
And I decided, that as an adult, it would be in his best interest if my father knew and had a talk with him. Because Kenny just doesn't know how to fucking think.
So be mad all you want. I'm sure you'll be thankful when you make it past the age of 19 before you're a father. Or when you can actually get a decent job because you're NOT on the sex offenders list for the rest of your stupid ignorant life.
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